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    • by susyq918 That would take care of itself with time. It wasn’t the first time that Roman had to fall from something to nothing. But for the last few weeks, he’d watched this man come in for a drink. Roman had blown it off at first, because it was a tavern. A lot of men came in for a drink. But most drank so much that they quickly became boisterous and for Roman, that was old news. If anything, it made the quiet ice clinks of the man’s glass as he drank more notable. More worthy.That would take care of itself with time. It wasn’t the first time that Roman had to fall from something to nothing. But for the last few weeks, he’d watched this man come in for a drink. Roman had blown it off at first, because it was a tavern. A lot of men came in for a drink. But most drank so much that they quickly became boisterous and for Roman, that was old news. If anything, it made the quiet ice clinks of the man’s glass as he drank more notable. More worthy.
      Alice in Wonderland • Erotica • Fantasy • Gay • Gothic • Grimdark • Romance • Short Story • fanfiction • mm
    • by susyq918 I just knew in the way that I knew many things, an intuition passed from my mother and mother’s mother, that he’d always had enough of people talking at him. Desperate for his affection. So was I. But my love was born in silence.
      Grimdark • Romance • Scribbles • dark romance • mf