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    Stories 6
    Chapters 16
    Words 37.7 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 3 hours, 8 minutes3 h, 8 m
    • by susyq918
    • by susyq918 "Can I buy you a drink?" Normally, it wouldn't have taken Roman so long to ask such a simple question. It required an easy yes or no and if Roman took a decline with a soft smile and wish for a good day, he could generally come out of the encounter relatively unscathed. But normally, Roman wouldn't be in Wonderland. He wouldn't be surrounded by strangers in a strange land where he wasn't sure whether men were allowed to pick up other men in a bar...or tavern, as they call it here. Normally, he…
    • by susyq918
    • by susyq918 "So, old are you, anyway?"  Sitting around the campfire, Varric uncapped his flagon and took a drink as he watched their newest team member. If you could call him that. Theron. He'd met them at the Crossroads, where Corporal Vale sung his praises. Apparently, no one knew the Hinderlands like he did. The man was handsome in a rugged way, his face all sharp angles and quite tanned for an elf, but there were streaks in the blond hair around his temples that almost glowed in the…
    • by susyq918 Bull stared him down, clearly trying to figure out whether the elf was lying. It's Varric who offered his plate first, giving them all a smirk. "Not even the threat of magic would make me miss your dessert, Killer. And you forget, this isn't the first time you've fed me an apple." Though he did wonder exactly how many apples Theron could keep in that bag. It seemed like every time dinner was delayed and his stomach growled, the elf reached into his bag and offered him food. Theron raised an eyebrow…
    • by susyq918 Theron glanced at Solas and looked away quickly. Fuck those eyes and fuck his traitorous heart. That’s enough of that. He pasted a smile on his face and moved back to the fire to start cleaning up, waiting for the tension to disperse naturally. “I can get that, Killer. You cook, we’ll clean.” The kindest hands took the pan out of his, and Theron took a slow breath. This game was bound to kill him. Dangerous pack-roaming wildebears? No problem. Hot-headed, addict-addled Templars? Sure. Why not.…
    • by susyq918 Solas was waiting when Theron stepped out of his tent. A glance back showed Varric had already shut the tent flap, and his ears twitched as he heard the telltale shuffle of the dwarf getting comfortable. Great. When Theron moved to sit, Solas stood and tilted his head toward the woods. Wonderful. As they walked in silence, he tried to run the various scenarios in his head, and the result made him sigh. He regretted it instantly because the forest was being a quiet bitch, and his sigh almost…
    • by susyq918 Morning came quickly, and when it did, Theron wasn’t ready. Watching Solas in his element felt so… familiar. Comfortable in a way that should make him uncomfortable, but in this impossible world of possibilities, it was a relief. The wolf’s voice was measured, lyrical, and oh-so-easy to sink into. So when a haggard-looking Cassandra threw open her tent flap, Theron was more than a little disappointed. Especially when Solas stood and moved away to wake Bull and gather his things, the eager look…
    • by susyq918 Theron existed in a haze where he was aware that words were exchanged, but it was drowned by the pounding of his own heart. It seemed like forever until he pried his fingers from the leather harness, and the sounds of the forest bled back in. He rolled his head back to rest against the trunk behind him and shivered as Bull released him and stepped back. “You good?” With a slow, deep breath, he glanced to the side again and froze. Why is he still there? The scowl was gone, but Solas was still…
    • by susyq918 “We’ve got to be careful,” Theron warned. “This shouldn’t be happening, so I have no idea what we’re walking into.” “Kinda always been that way, hasn’t it?” Blackwall muttered before taking another bite of the apple Theron had practically forced into his hands. “That’s why there’s scouts, and bards, and spies. To go find that stuff out. Your daggers make you look like you’re that sneaky type.” “Only if by sneaky you mean he announces he’s coming and then blushes…